Sunday, October 17, 2010

Conservation of natural resources

Conservation of natural resources involves the interlligent use and care of our resources.Why we need conserve our resources...?

A few thousend year ago,there were not many people living on the Earth.There were more than enough naturel resources for everyone.But in the last 200 years,the world population has increased rapidly.As the world population increases, more natural resources are needed to support the population. The demand for natural resources will become even greater as countries all over the world become more developed.

We have also invented many machines to help people do worke & to make life more comfortable.
A  lot of fuel is being used to provide energy to run all machines.

We are using huge amount of our natural resources so rapidly that the natural resources are in danger of being depleted.Our  earth has limited supplies of non-renewable resources. They are running out quickly.

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